Full course description
Catechist Formation: Prayer
Course Description
This course will unpack the Fourth Pillar of the Catechism of the Catholic Church through a presentation of the following modules: Spirituality: The Universal Call to Holiness, Prayer in the Life of the Church, Prayer in Ministry, and The Great Commission. How do Catholics live an ongoing, intimate relationship with the Lord day-in, day-out? This course will introduce you to the rich tradition of Christian prayer and recommend ways to ground all your daily activities-especially ministries or apostolates-in prayer.
Sue Cummins, Part-time Faculty, Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Sr. Kathleen Matz, C.D.P., Associate Director, Office of Discipleship Formation, Archdiocese of Detroit
Dr. Patricia Cooney Hathaway, Professor of Spiritual and Systematic Theology
Michael Chamberland, Evangelization Coordinator, Our Lady of Sorrows Parish
Module Activities: Videos, Quizzes, and Reflection Exercises
This course consists of four different modules that must be completed in sequential order. In each module, participants are required to view all lecture videos and complete the quiz before being able to proceed on to the next module. Additionally, each video is accompanied by a reflection prompt. Participants seeking catechist certification are required to respond to these prompts and review their reflections with their local facilitator. Students are encouraged to keep a journal of their reflections as they progress throughout the course. A compilation of course reflection questions can be found/downloaded in the introductory module. Upon successful completion of all required activities, participants will be issued a course certificate of completion (partial requirement for Catechist Certification) and will be ready to progress to the next course in the program.
Schedule of Topics
This course covers the fourth pillar of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Christian Prayer and consists of an introductory module (resources and orientation to learning tools) and four modules covering content from foundational areas of Catholic theology. These modules are designed to be self-paced and may be completed in 1-2 hours each.
Self-Paced Modules:
Introduction Module
Module 1 - Spirituality: The Universal Call to Holiness
Module 2 - Prayer in the Life of the Church
Module 3 - Prayer in Ministry
Module 4 - The Great Commission
No required textbooks for this course. Presenters will be referring to numbered paragraphs in the Catechism of the Catholic Church (abbreviated “CCC”) found in the fourth part: Christian Prayer. This part is found in paragraphs 2558-2865 of the CCC (CCC 2558-2865).
Please consult the resources list for each module for additional references and citations.
Contacts / Support
If you have any questions, please use the common contacts below:
Technical Requirements: