Full course description
Isaiah in the Light of Christ
November 19, 2023 - December 16, 2023
Dr. Peter Williamson
Adam Cardinal Maida Chair in Sacred Scripture, Sacred Heart Major Seminary
Teaching Assistant
Melissa Pordon
Course Description
Join us this Advent season as Dr. Peter Williamson, Adam Cardinal Maida Chair in Sacred Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, explores the writings of the prophet Isaiah in the Light of Christ.
The Old Testament is full of prophecies foreshadowing the coming of Christ Jesus, which is arguably most evident in the prophet Isaiah, read by the Church during the high points of the liturgical year. As we prepare ourselves to celebrate the coming of Christ this Advent, we invite you to join us for this FREE online Equip course.
Completing at your own pace, you can use this course as an Advent study to grow deeper in your personal relationship with Jesus.
This course is not intended to be academically strenuous but to provide a shallow-entry point for those who have busy lives and need flexibility. This course is designed for personal enrichment and does not count towards any academic credit at Sacred Heart Major Seminary or for any certification in the Archdiocese of Detroit.
For questions about course content contact the instructor/teaching assistants using the Inbox on the red menu bar on the left side of your online course page.
For technical support see the Tech Support guide in the Welcome module of the course.
Required Readings:
No required texts for this course
Schedule of Topics:
Introductory Module: October 20, 2023
Module 1: A Remarkable Prophecy in an Unlikely Context
Module 2: A Virgin Shall Conceive
Module 3: To Us a Child Is Born
Module 4: The Branch from Jesse’s Roots; the Beginning of a New World
Weekly Activities:
The following learning activities are available to students each week. There are no specific requirements for participating in the course. However, those who complete all the videos and self-tests will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the course.
Weekly video lectures
Weekly recommended readings and links to additional learning resources
Weekly self-test to see what you’ve learned
Open online discussion for participants to share with each other what they are learning and encourage each other
The time commitment is flexible for this course. There is one weekly video lecture (~20 min). Participants who are interested in completing all recommended readings and course tasks can expect to spend around 2-3 hours/week on the course. However, levels of participation and engagement are up to the discretion of the individual.
All Equip Courses Include These Features:
A dedicated online learning support coordinator to offer prompt assistance
24/7 access to the digital learning environment
Engagement as a community of connected learners who share a common faith
Extended access to course content after the course end date
Learning environment support provided by Canvas (our learning management platform)
Technical assistance provided by Sacred Heart’s IT staff
A Certificate of Completion is awarded to those who complete the course learning activities
Technical Requirements: